(4/6/2022) The Founder of LIT, H. Suryadi Jaya Purnama ST., the Chancellor of LIT, Radyum Ikono PhD., and more than 50 participants from all around Indonesia attended a scholarship seminar named “LIT Scholarship.”
The session was vibrant with the enthusiasm of the questioners and registrants, and some village representatives who would collaborate with LIT through the 1 Village 10 Engineer/Bachelor program were also present.
Suryadi, the founder of LIT, noted that the school was founded with two main purposes: world-class education and ensuring a greater future for Lombok’s younger generation.
“The Lombok Institute of Technology was founded for the people of Lombok, to provide an abundance of food, energy, and other areas that would boost the technical development’s sustainability,” he continued.
Lombok Institute of Technology provides not only the fundamentals of technology, but also great applied skills for regional development.
“We will not release LIT students from energy engineering if they can’t install solar panels,” stated Radyum Ikono, LIT’s Chancellor Rector.
He further noted that the LIT curriculum includes not just applicable skills in the academic sphere, but that every LIT student must also have an IELTS 6.5 certificate as well as modern career skills such as graphic design and digital marketing.
Antusiasme Seminar Beasiswa LIT Putra-Putri NTB
(4/6/2022) Lombok Institute of Technology melaksanakan seminar beasiswa bertajuk “Kupas Tuntas Beasiswa LIT”, dihadiri langsung oleh Pendiri LIT, H. Suryadi Jaya Purnama ST., Rektor LIT, Radyum Ikono PhD. serta 50 lebih peserta dari seluruh Indonesia.
Seminar ini berlangsung meriah dengan antusiasme penanya dan pendaftar, turut juga hadir beberapa kepala desa yang akan bekerjasama dengan LIT melalui program 1 Desa 10 Insinyur/Sarjana.
Pendiri LIT, Suryadi menjelaskan bahwa terdapat 2 tujuan penting didirikannya LIT yaitu Pendidikan bertaraf dunia dan jaminan masa depan untuk generasi muda di Lombok.
“Lombok Institute of Technology didirikan untuk masyarakat Lombok, untuk menyiapkan kelimpahan pangan, energi dan sektor lainnya yang akan meningkatkan kesinambungan perkembangan teknologi”, tambahnya.
Lombok Institute teknologi tidak hanya mengajarkan kurikulum dasar, tetapi juga skill terapan yang excellent untuk pengembangan daerah.
“Kalo ada mahasiswa LIT dari rekayasa energi tidak bisa memasang solar panel, kita tidak luluskan”, ujar Radyum Ikono selaku Rektor LIT.
Ia juga memaparkan bahwa tidak hanya skill terapan di bidang pendidikan tersebut yang ada di kurikulum LIT, tetapi setiap mahasiswa LIT harus punya sertifikat IELTS 6.5 dan kemampuan pekerjaan modern seperti desain grafis dan digital marketing.
Tak diragukan lagi… LIT is not the first, but the best..