(Bilingual ENG-IND)
(13/6/2022) The Lombok Institute of Technology (LIT) continues to receive numerous invites from local leaders to socialize the one village, ten engineer program, which will start from Suela Village, Tete Batu Village, and Lenek Ramban Biak Village, with plans to reach among all villages in the Lenek District.
The presence of LIT with this initiative, according to the villages and their citizens, might help them construct an advanced and modern community.
“I am really interested in the establishment of ITL, so that children do not have to go to college far away,” Suela, the village chief, said. “The graduate students are already potential from the objective, mission to improve Lombok in the energy, food, agricultural, livestock farming, and medical sectors.”
“LIT has developed a curriculum that can help the village grow. Each strategy that support the village progress is to work together and become a consultant for the village in terms of technology” he continued.
“The establishment of LIT, the Tete batu community may continue their education to a higher level and construct villages through collaboration between LIT and villages,” stated Tete Batu Village’s chief.
The Lombok Institute of Technology at the previous meeting during a grand socialization at the Asy-Syamil foundation through Ustadz Suryadi Jaya Purnama stated that the main purpose of the ITL was for the benefit of the people of NTB.
Suryadi explained, “The Lombok Institute of Technology was formed with the ambition of developing global-standard human resources in West Nusa Tenggara.”
Program Satu Desa Sepuluh Insinyur Terus Mendapatkan Apresiasi dari Banyak Desa di NTB
(13/6/2022) Institute Teknologi Lombok terus mendapatkan banyak undangan kepala desa untuk sosialisasi program 1 desa 10 insinyur mulai dari Desa Suela, Desa Tete Batu, Desa Lenek Ramban Biak dan rencananya akan sosialisasi besar di seluruh desa Kecamatan Lenek.
Desa-desa dan warganya menyebutkan bahwa hadirnya ITL dengan program tersebut dapat membangun desa dengan baik dan lebih maju.
“Saya sangat tertarik adanya ITL, jadi anak2 tidak perlu sekolah jauh di dekat saja lulusannya sudah menjanjikan dilihat dari visi, misi untuk membangun Lombok di sektor Energi, Pangan, pertanian,peternakan Dan medis”, ucap Kepala Desa Suela.
Direalisasikan dengan kurikulum yang bisa mengembangkan desa. Dengan kerja sama dan menjadi konsultan di desa itu adalah salah satu Cara bisa memajukan desa”, tambahnya
“Dengan Adanya LIT masyarakat tetebatu bisa melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi Serta bisa membangun desa dengan Adanya kerja sama antara kampus dan desa”, ujar kepala Desa Tete Batu.
Institute Teknologi Lombok pada pertemuan sebelumnya saat sosialisasi akbar di yayasan Asy-Syamil melalui Ustadz Suryadi Jaya Purnama menyebutkan bahwa tujuan utama dibuatnya ITL adalah untuk kemaslahatan masyarakat NTB.
“Lombok Institute of Technology didirikan dengan semangat untuk membangun sumberdaya manusia yang bertaraf global di Nusa Tenggara Barat”, ucap Suryadi.