LIT Lecturers Conduct Internal Conference on Village Development Through Curriculum 

(1/7/2022) The creation of an applied curriculum, which would serve as a coursebook, was discussed at a conference of internal lecturers conducted by Lombok Institute of Technology (LIT). The goal of this activity is to deliver teaching and learning activities in LIT throughout the best possible way. 

The Netherlands and Australia are two of the top countries in the world that LIT uses as benchmarks for its curriculum. The Lombok Institute of Technology’s composite structure the fundamentals of all applied sciences with the aim that its graduates would be able to be employed immediately.

Sri Ismiani, one of the biotechnology lecturers, proposed the idea for this internal meeting: “Mapping the expertise of lecturers is needed in order to develop an all-applied science curriculum that runs in line with the potential of projects in Lombok, particularly around campuses and partner villages.” 

In addition, Ismiani stated that “LIT as a partner for village development must be present and contribute” because “there are various villages which have good potential in the sectors of solar energy, food, and other potentials.”

Twenty people attended the conference, including Muji Juherwin, one of the original Lombok lecturers. ” We will eventually construct energy engineering that can be connected with quantum computer instruments and more sophisticated programming, I have developed courses for LIT on a project basis”, Muji said. 

Ahmad Zikri also moves on to discuss the manufacturing opportunity in Lombok as well as the possibility of processing cassava utilizing sustainable power through a drying system. The food industry has a lot of prospective, but it needs to be used to its fullest capacity. Processing that is still inefficient needs to be done in accordance with village objectives.

Pengembangan Desa Melalui Kurikulum: Dosen LIT lakukan Konferensi Internal

(1/7/2022) Lombok Institute of Technology (LIT) mengadakan konferensi internal dosen membahas mengenai pengembangan kurikulum terapan yang akan digunakan sebagai pedoman belajar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan performa terbaik dalam penyajian kegiatan belajar mengajar di LIT.

LIT menggunakan benchmark kurikulum dari berbagai universitas terbaik di dunia salah satunya dari Belanda dan Australia. Kurikulum Lombok Institute of Technology menerapkan prinsip all applied science, harapannya lulusan LIT dapat langsung masuk ke dunia kerja. 

Konferensi internal ini digagas oleh Sri Ismiani, salah satu dosen bioteknologi, “Pemetaan mengenai keahlian dosen diperlukan agar dapat menciptakan kurikulum all applied science yang berjalan sesuai potensi proyek di Lombok, khususnya selingkung kampus dan desa mitra.”

Ismiani juga menambahkan bahwa, “Terdapat beberapa desa yang memiliki potensi baik di bidang solar energy, pangan dan juga potensi lainnya, LIT sebagai mitra untuk pengembangan desa harus hadir dan berkontribusi.”

Konferensi tersebut dihadiri oleh 20 peserta termasuk Muji Juherwin, salah satu dosen asli asal Lombok. “Saya telah mengembangkan pembelajaran untuk LIT dengan basis proyek, ke depan kita akan membangun rekayasa energi yang bisa diintegrasikan dengan instrumentasi quantum computer dan programing yang lebih advance.”

Kemudian Ahmad Zikri menjelaskan mengenai potensi pengolahan Singkong dengan energi terbarukan melalui sistem pengeringan dan potensi manufaktur di Lombok. “Potensi besar di bidang pangan harus dimaksimalkan, pengolahan yang masih belum tepat guna harus dijalankan berdasarkan kebutuhan desa”.

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