(7/9/2022) Lombok Institute of Technology (LIT) visited by a special guest from Jakarta, CEO of Citiasia, Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, STP, ME, who was delighted to give a public lecture. As one of the forerunners of higher education institutions in the field of engineering, this activity is expected to provide students with knowledge, particularly knowledge about various types of products or outcomes that engineering graduates can later build, one of which is Smart City.
The Chancellor of LIT, Radyum Ikono, Ph.D., opened the public lecture, holding out hope that students will extract as much knowledge about Smart City as possible and will be able to contribute to the development of Smart City, particularly in the Lombok area, in the future. The activity which was attended by all LIT students as well as lecturers from the Department of Energy Systems and Engineering was held in room C of the LIT Campus Building with a duration of 1 hour.
“I hope you can see potential in your area, which will offer as your inspiration to develop a new system that will improve the safety and convenience of local residents. Moreover, you are the pioneers of problem solving problems in East Lombok,” said Mr. Fikri in his presentation
Kuliah Umum Bertema SMART CITY Bersama Interim Chief Executive Office Citiasia
(7/9/2022) Lombok Institute of Technology (LIT) atau Institut Teknologi Lombok kehadiran tamu kehormatan dari Jakarta, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Citiasia, Fitrah Rachmat Kautsar, STP, ME yang berkenan untuk memberikan kuliah umum. Sebagai salah satu pelopor institusi pendidikan tinggi di bidang teknik, kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberi bekal kepada mahasiswa khususnya pengetahuan tentang berbagai bentuk produk atau luaran yang bisa dibangun sebagai sarjana teknik nantinya, salah satunya adalah Smart City.
Kegiatan kuliah umum ini dibuka langsung oleh Rektor LIT, Radyum Ikono, Ph.D. yang berharap semoga mahasiswa dapat menyerap ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya tentang Smart City dan di kemudian hari bisa betul-betul berkontribusi untuk pengembangan Smart City khususnya di wilayah Lombok. Kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh seluruh mahasiswa LIT dan juga dosen-dosen dari Jurusan Sistem dan Rekayasa Energi dilaksanakan di ruang C Gedung Kampus LIT dengan durasi 1 jam.
“Saya berharap, kalian bisa melihat potensi di daerah kalian yang pada akhirnya bisa menjadi inspirasi kalian untuk membuat sistem baru yang bisa menambah keamanan dan kenyamanan warga setempat. Terlebih, kalian lah pionir problem solver masalah-masalah di Lombok Timur ini.”, tutur Pak Fikri dalam paparannya.